One morning in October, actually the 24th, I had just followed Emanuel as ususal to his school, and when I stepped inside the house, a bit heavy hearted, tears falling down my face, these words just came to mind.. ”I give You my tears”… (Even the tears can become worship to Jesus!) ..and I sat down by the piano, and this song came rushing through me and filled me with new joy again.  What a difference when I lift my focus from ”it” all and look to Jesus, and as I give Him thanks, I am filled again with joy and peace… He has the solution! He is the answer!

Yesterday I found the song on a piece of paper, when I was cleaning, and thought, this song might be for someone else as well! I hope it encourages you!

I GIVE YOU MY TEARS (And I say Thank you) – Words and music: Elsa Rydin (2016) Elsa Rydin    A morning prayer! To start the day by casting my worries and burdens – and give thanks to Jesus – Oh how it fills my heart with joy!    .. and this can also be an evening prayer – to end the day in thanksgiving! I want to live my life in thanksgiving and worship, always giving praise to Jesus!


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